3 Logon mechanisms
- Smart card logon (using a smart card and a PIN) – see section 3.2, Logon using a smart card and PIN.
- Security Questions (a logon name and up to five passwords) – see section 3.3, Logon using security phrases
- Logon codes (one-time codes that are sent by email to allow a cardholder to log on) – see section 3.4, Logon using codes.
- Windows logon (using your Windows account to authenticate to MyID) – see section 3.6, Integrated Windows Logon.
- Windows Hello (using your Windows Hello credentials to authenticate to MyID) – see section 3.7, Windows Hello.
You can enable more than one method of accessing MyID. For example, you can select smart card as the logon method but enable logging on using security questions in case someone loses a card.